You REALLY have the hots for Octavia dont you? XD
You REALLY have the hots for Octavia dont you? XD
Red Dead Redemption VS Skyrim
I should try drawing a female figure like that, its just way too amazing.
Oh we're in Hell now, cool!
Well now Im gonna go check it out XD
Ok Im back, the original wasnt bad but this one is most certainly prettier.
This was done half an hour? Damn dude, you got mad skills.
When biological rabbits arent enough.
Shes so fucking hot its CRAZY!
Damn she thicc, YEAH!
Ah, Im a huge sucker for serene scenes like this one. I love that waterfall and the color choice, gives off some sort of "peaceful evening" vibes.
But man, who the hell would put a random-ass chair out in middle of nature like this? XD
"I do rule34 and rule34 accessories"
GD creator and gamer
The world 🌎
Joined on 10/6/22